What you need:
1.Styro-foam or wood base *OPTIONAL
I put four tooth picks in between these two random packing pieces of foam I had lying around, and then cut out a poster board paper to elmer's glue to the top (to allow all others pieces to be attached without melting through the foam)
2. Clear or shiny flat marbles/stones3. Elmers AND hot glue gun
4.Fabric: scraps (scarves)
5. Baby/toddler socks (hat/beanie)---got mine at the dollar store---
6. Buttons
7. Sharpie markers
8. Cotton ball cut in half (for ear muffs) and glitter (dip in elmers glue first)
9. Orange juice caps (hats)
- Empty containers and clean out well
- Tie on scarves, and then draw faces on! (to make sure you don't draw its face to low and it be covered by the scarf!)
- Hot glue on your buttons and head accessories (hats, muffs)
- Glue container bases to your base (where my blue circles are in the picture below!)---or just have them free standing (separately or together around your home)
- *If you chose to have a base to glue them onto, then this is when you will want to hot glue and lay down your flat marbles, in a two layer process (check above pics)
Have a Very Merry Christmas!