
Monday, October 6, 2014

Ways to make General Conference Even MORE Productive!

If any of you are like me, it can be hard sometimes to sit for so long. Don't get me wrong! I look forward to hearing the messages and do enjoy the longevity of the spiritual weekend. It is so nice to hear the counsel that we all so need to be reminded of. On the other hand, it can be tough to literally be sitting for so many hours.

So I have compiled a list of things that I have done (or will do in conferences to come) that can help that idleness feeling! Here are some productive things to be doing along with listening to the speakers!

  1. Write in your Journal -- this one is probably a 'no-briainer' to most, but I recently realized that as long as I am sure to write in my journal during conference (every 6 mos--April and October) [because its hard to do often when you have kids or are busy with work or whatever else life brings!] I will be able to 'get it done' and capture what I need to remember or ponder during a very spiritual time :) Jot down a favorite scripture, quotes, stories, impressions. Reflecting on Blessings, Revelations, Promptings, goals and accomplishments would be great things to write down.
  2. Write in a child's journal and/or baby book-- obviously this only applies to those who have kids, or who even keep a journal or baby book for them. I like to write things down in more detail about each of my kids (in one journal) as they are growing and learning new things. Not only for me to remember, but for them to have as memories in their future. I also have baby books for each kid to record all their milestones, certain pictures, etc. so this could be a great time to fill these facts in!
  3. Scrapbook or Photo album-- finish up a book or start working on storing those memories in one.
  4. Massages--Can give one another (or just spouses if kids are too small) massages during one speakers time at the pulpit. Take turns!       *Younger Kids can give dad (or mom) a 'choo-choo' massage to make it more fun and entertaining for the kids, as well as quiet for the adult! Click below to see the 'Choo-Choo!' shirt I made for the kids to give their dad on fathers day last year.               Click here: (I love you) Choo-Choo Massage T-shirt
  5. Put Visiting Teaching Treats and message together---Assemble treats in bags,etc. and cut out and tie on messages.
  6. Future FHE topic planning--Make note of anything YOUR particular family could work on improving. Later you can brainstorm ways to go about teaching those topics at a FHE. *If you have older kids, make sure they jot some ideas down, and after conference is all through, compile a group list of the topics. Have each child prepare FHE's based on those topics (assign) until the list runs out ;)
  7. Mend clothing---I usually have a small pile of things that I set aside UNTIL I am totally ready to sit down and do it all at once! So this conference I fixed some bib clasps, my coats button that fell off, etc. Great use of my time.
  8. Fold clothing--anything clothes not yet folded...? Do it now :)
  9. Craft--If you are watching Aprils General Conference put together an Easter, Mothers/Fathers day, or 4th of July craft.   If you are watching Octobers General Conference put together a Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas craft.   
  10. Write--or email  a missionary or family or friend.
  11. Thank you notes---or kind complimentary/invitational notes to Family, friend, neighbor, acquaintances (church, school, work...)
  12. Paints your toes!--or fingers :) If you have lots of girls in the home, you could paint each others.
  13. Make a family treat during the breaks-- in between sessions, or right before the the second session of the day begins to enjoy during the speakers.


*(Optional) PRE-Conference planning!
[ideas for young and older children]

Younger children:
These are some of my favorite links to keeping my kids busy during conference!

Adult and adult children:

  1. M&M
Make the Most
of General Conference

Loved this idea!
for your free printable!
Great idea for visiting teaching
But also great to do as a family before conference begins!

2.    Treat Conference weekend like any other big holiday...
  • Make a big Special breakfast Saturday am (starting off the weekend)
During or right after breakfast discuss as a family things to look for in helping improve your current family situation or any family goals, and things that could be of help to achieve those things. (refer to the m&m printable above)
  • Make a family treat in between both Saturday and Sundays sessions (or sleep, or play games!)

  • Make a big Special dinner Sunday night (to end the conference weekend)
At the family dinner (or during dessert following) discuss the feelings and opinions, as well as jot down the findings of the things to be looked for during the sessions. Make a family plan as to how to achieve your family's goals.

Hope you were able to find some ideas that you can now use to make your general conferences more productive...
                             Let me know what you think! 

Do you?... have any ideas that could be added to this list? 
What fun general Conference traditions do you do with your family??

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea about a special family dinner that night and discussing what stood out to everyone during conference and the messages that were shared. One tradition we have now is that every conference we build a huge tent in the family room out of sheets, blankets, and pillows. The door faces the T.V. so that we can listen to the prophet. Then the boys put a sign on that says, "Our Reverence Tent." The rule is that you cannot be in the tent unless you are reverent and listening. We started it a year or so ago and taught about King Benjamin and how he had everyone face the doors of their tents towards the temple so that they could hear a prophet speak. Ever since then they look forward to it every year. It's tradition now. Thanks for the great ideas!


Would love to hear what ya think !