
Thursday, October 9, 2014

DIY Trick or Treat Wreath---FREE Printable!


  1. Old red berry wreath (or wreath of your choice)
  2. Gold Spray paint
  3. 8X10 canvas
  4. Printable 'Trick or Treat' sign  Click here: Trick or Treat Printable  (can choose 8x10 or 16x20)
  5. ribbon for hanging canvas to hook (under your wreath at the top)
  6. hot glue (attatching ribbon)
**Another printable here you could use Trick or treat (black + bats)  (only in 5x7 or 8x10)

  1. Spray paint wreath gold (a couple coats to get missed spots and give it nice color!)--or color of choice.
  2.  let dry
  3.  Elmers glue the print to your canvas (or other type of board)
  4. Then either hot glue your canvas to the wreath, or just hot glue your ribbon to the back of the canvas...then let dry and fasten the canvas ribbon on the wreath hook under the wreath and hang together! (I did this to be able to switch out the sign for different holidays if I wanted)
Easy Peasy!

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